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Legend of Scipio, Chapter I

O, sweet Death, how long have I waited for you?

I dared you countless times and you, you avoided me stubbornly for almost three thousand years. What took you so long, ô Thanatos, were you afraid of me? Trust me there was no reason to. I was never dangerous, I would never have hurt you. To be perfectly honest, there was nothing I could have done against you, had you decided to come after me. I would have embraced you, as a gift, the same way I embraced your sister Life, with all my soul. See how weak I have become. Taking me with you, should be no burden. Come now my friend, don't be shy. I am ready for you.

But her, you should watch out for Her, for she is a game changer. She will summon you and use you, you will be her servant and will bow before her. Look at her now, so beautiful in the rising sun, watch her change as she regains her original form, as she is reborn a Sapiens but retains her Demon mind. There is enough strength in this girl to rattle this old world and with it, all of my old bones up to the tip of my wings, although I love her, although I brought her to this epiphany. Now I admire her but am also terrified by her, by the paradox she is turning into, a Demon trapped in a Sapiens body. And so should you.

Forget about Melanie though, since it is my name that appears on your list for today. You'll have plenty of time to get acquainted with her later on anyways, whether you like it or not. As you very well know, we have our own business to tend to. Our friend Mailer is with you already as I can see very clearly from where I lay which leaves only me for you to take.

But before I lose myself into your void, before your fatal attraction extirpates my tired soul out of this worn out body, there is one last favor that you must grant me. Let it be my dying wish, my sentimental but nonetheless glorious Adieu to this world I both cherish and hate. For the last time, let me relive those fabled moments that were the highlights of my life, and let you and your acolytes Minos and Rhadamantis be witnesses that, all Demon that I was, I did more good than harm, and even sometimes reached for greatness. Thrust me back in time to Ithaca, where I was born three millenia ago, let me see all my friends one more time and bid them farewell. After that, you can have me and dispose of my soul as you will. You'll have deserved it eventually. Because this time I lost, this time, I am not cheating you, this time I am really going.

So I'm starting with Her.

Au revoir Melanie.


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